Exciting News Part One!
My debut children's book, She Who Walks Above The Trees, is now available EARLY on Amazon!
It is the first book in The Adventure Above Series about Anya & Breck. The little human girl and her Brachiosaurus best friend. Follow their adventures together in their prehistoric world as they discover different environments and creatures along the way!

Exciting News Part Two!
As of today 11/11/2023, my children's book is ranked #1 on the Hot New Releases List and #17/100 on the Best Sellers List on Amazon for prehistoric books.
I am blown away by all of your support as I continue my author journey! If you haven't ordered your copy of my children's book yet I encourage you to do so. The illustrator Aaron Trudell did a phenomenal job. The illustrations are so rich and vibrant, making the story come alive!
I would be so appreciative if you could share my posts, links, and website address with others on your social media accounts!
Again, thank you all!
Happy DETours,