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Writer's pictureJennifer Conklin

Food for thought: author edition


Dear Readers,

Welcome back to my author's blog, Happy DETours and some food for thought.

I recently came across this quote and found it very compelling. In the beginning of my author journey, when I was getting closer to publishing, massive amounts of doubt and fear entered my mind. As reality took hold that I would soon send my book baby into the world where others could (and would) read and judge my words was a bit overwhelming.

I remember editing my novel day after day, hour after waking hour (and non-waking hours) up to just days before the release date. Filled with worry that it wasn't yet good enough to publish. I had to literally force myself to stop editing, close the document and call it done! That was a hard day.

Don't get me wrong, I was so excited to publish! To finally have the printed and bound novel that I could hold in my hand, was also overwhelming too. But this time I was filled with joy and pride.

I was anxious about how others would feel and react to my story but fortunately that anxiety was short lived. The positive feedback and reactions I received in those early days, and even still today, were amazing! It really helped me overcome my fears of letting others into my private storytelling world, that previously had only been visited by me, inside my mind.

Life is short so I like to keep the mindset of no regrets. Don't wait. Even if something is scary or uncomfortable, if it sparks your joy then you have to go for it. I have learned on my journey to write the books I want to read. It won't be everyone's cup of tea and that's okay. But it's my cup of tea.

I have been very lucky that my readers have really enjoyed all my books and often ask me when more books are coming. It tells me that I have done my job well as an author! It helps keep some of the anxiety, doubt and fear that comes with sharing my words, slightly at bay each time I publish.

I am so glad that I "went for it" because it has been an amazing author journey so far. I look forward to where it will continue to take me! Although, that first step of publishing was a gigantic leap for me, both personally and professionally, I don't regret a thing. Well, maybe if I could edit my books just one more time... ;)

Happy DETours,


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